Aims and scope

The aim of Proceedings of IAHS (PIAHS) is to provide up-to-date overviews of work in specific fields of hydrological sciences by presenting peer-reviewed papers from IAHS conferences and workshops. The scope covers all hydrological and related sciences and is determined by the activities and partnerships of the IAHS. Every volume has a theme reflecting the topic considered at the corresponding event and is guest-edited.

Papers are published by invitation only after selection of abstracts/papers submitted for presentation at the related conference and after peer review. Anyone wishing to submit a paper to the Proceedings of IAHS should arrange to participate in and present a paper at a forthcoming IAHS event (see the IAHS calendar). Suggestions for topics for IAHS events should be made to officers of the IAHS Bureau, IAHS commissions, or IAHS working groups.

The Proceedings of IAHS is a continuation of the IAHS Proceedings and Reports series (the IAHS Red Books) that commenced in 1924, whose archives are accessible at